Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 2

Another week is done. It is Sunday night and I am ready to go for week 3. This will be a hectic week with PD and sub plans on Wednesday, and IPP day on Friday. I am hoping to hear all my kids read this week and set some goals with them for their reading. As for the home front, we are well. We spent a good chunk of the weekend setting up our new turtle tank and stand. It's so nice now! Hopefully they don't eat too many rocks! We also went to the funeral for little Thomas. What a sweet little one he was. His parents are amazingly strong and faithful! It was a good opportunity to reflect on the importance of loving and forgiving everyday. Until next week, be good, play fair and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhh!!! I am happy to hear what you guys have been up to... I wish we could just pop over and visit... Joviah and Tadeo would love to see a dog and a turtle!!!! We think of you often and are happy that you are happy in Southern Alberta.... but Edmonton misses you! Actually yesterday Conners HIll ward lost all of their students.. They created the Strathcona Married Students ward and took all of the married students in the 3 wards to put in that ward!
