Monday, February 1, 2010

January is OVER!

WOOT WOOT! the toughest month of teaching is over over over for another year. We are now on the downhill towards the end of the year and it's very very exciting.
Things at school are going well and I'm still loving my job. I had the opportunity today to meet with a bunch of other jr high teachers who are all in their 2nd year of teaching and it was very reassuring to know that they all have the same frustrations with homework and attendance and all the not-so-fun parts of teaching. BUT we also celebrated the many many many funny, success filled, achievement moments that happen more often than we sometimes realize. It was a good reminder day.
Brent and I went for a very fun and adventurous snowshoeing hike today as well. We ended up down in the river bottom walking in a creek bed under bridges and finished at the edge of the North Saskatchewan river. It was amazing!!! so beautiful and almost untouched. We love our new found hobby! thanks mom and dad for the snowshoes.
Until next time my friends...